A Photographer's Dream Wedding day Schedule.

If you asked each of the Vendors for their dream Wedding day, they might respond differently.

BUT , because we are self centered and really only care about photography…..(kidding, we kind of care about other things). Our looks like this:

Photographers arrive about an hour before you are to be all ready

(All dressed, dress on, suits on, ready to get married).

We want to be there with enough time to get a bit of the hair or make up, tie tying, primping (The part when you are almost ready and looking how you mostly want to look in your photos). We also are hoping to have time in this period to get details like invitations, accessories, flowers, attire (Dress, shoes, suit) before you put it on. And of course all the connecting with your favorite people.

Pro Tip: Do all of the above in a room with lots of natural light, keep it cleaned up, save another space clear of clutter to actually get photographed getting dressed and doing final touches, it is much more beautiful to do all of this away from dunkin donuts cups and empty mimosas.

Portraits of you

We love to have 20-30 minutes to do some portraits of you all dressed before the rest of your day begins. Followed by some portraits of you with whoever you have there getting ready with you! (Parents, best friends, bridal party, groomsmen).


Then…I’m being very honest here…. WE LOVE A FIRST LOOK. I know, controversy of the century. BUT hear me out. To us, honestly, you can not take away the the chemistry and the romance of walking down the aisle to your new partner for life. In our opinion, seeing them earlier in the day, for a big reveal, a hug, and another beautiful moment together, well, it calms you. That day is for the two of you. We find our couples more connected if they have gotten to start their day off as a team. Then they can actually see each other. During the ceremony, because some of that anxiety has been shaken of.

It also helps relieve the stress of the schedule to have as many short periods of time throughout your day to take photos as possible. First Look gives an opportunity for a good hour more of portraits. The whole bridal party and the two of you.

Family Portraits

After the Ceremony we like to do Family portraits. When ALL of your family is there. ONE time. We can be fast! We can be organized, We can get them all in here! As well as a couple portraits of the two of you in your ceremony area.

In the perfect world then your reception begins. Intros & Toasts. THEN you eat dinner. At the end of dinner depending on the season we choose Sunset photos or Dances.

Sunset / Golden Hour Portraits

Sunset we like 30-40 minutes with you just before sunset. These are glow, gorgeous light. The BEST light of the entire day. You are chill. You are married. It is honestly some of your favorite time. (Side bar, if you can remain somewhat sober until after this….it helps!! Ha!)

First dance

Then DANCES when it is dark. We love the dramatic effect of lighting you. And also we think it flows better into your dance party!!

Night Portraits

This is one of our things. Not every couple wants them. And sometimes you are into your party and that is fine! We love when we have the opportunity to do another 10-15 minutes with you sometime later in the evening. Where we light you and do something a little out of the ordinary. It is just another opportunity to slow your day down and be together. It creates sometimes, your favorite photos of the night.

Dance Floor Photos

These we love. (well Paul, loves them most) He is tall with long arms and no fear to get righ out there in the middle of the action. You will love this for ever..

Chelse Thompson