Who wants to come to Spain with us? Barcelona & Costa Brava

I think most people who have been following along know that I, Chelse am married to Ivan who is from Barcelona Spain.

If feels like a second home to me. I would love to share it with you!!!

We have talked about it for years.

New World Nomad and Bethany have given us the experience and advice to try it!!

We have some preliminary information and would like to collect a list of “very interested in going” people.


ARRIVE IN BARCELONA. Stay one night in a boutique hotel in the best part of town. Let us show you around! You will have the day to adjust and then in the evening we will explore, eat, drink and shop! Spanish style. Likely late into the evening. No better way to adjust to jet lag then dive right in. Think Tapas, Sangria & El Barrio Gotico.

The next morning we explore the sights, Sagrada Familia, some of the other famous Gaudi buildings and take in all the art. Then we head off to Costa Brava! These beach towns are my favorite place to be.

We plan to do side trips to Girona, Vineyards, dive into Spanish culture, eat traditional meals, and really just enjoy meeting new friends and exploring together.

The magic of this kind of travel is, security of friends, the knowledge of experience, and the total joy of discovering a new culture.

Come with us?

Fill out the information link below if you are truly interested.

We have 25 spots. We are hoping to keep the price under $2500 per person (plus airfaire). We have chosen April 2024 (within the last two weeks, dates to be released very soon) to keep airfare down and to have the city to ourselves!

Click here to LET US KNOW you are interested!

Chelse Thompson