New York Wedding Photographer and Videographer

We are

North Glow: Driven by LIGHT, Focused on CONNECTION, Inspired by YOU, Obsessed with SUNSET. Connect to your unique story. 

North Glow: Driven by LIGHT, Focused on CONNECTION, Inspired by YOU, Obsessed with SUNSET. Connect to your unique story. 



Plays her music too loud. Can't give up coffee. Undercover type A. Sings out loud even though her voice is a 3 at best. Cries at every wedding and some newborn sessions. 

Natural light finatic. Loves prime lenses. Obsessive about sunset and rim lighting. 

Style tastes can switch between neutral, natural, bohemian wonderland and sleek black and white with a pop of color without reason. 


Would almost always rather be riding his bike. Eats like an 8 year old. Knows way too much about cars. Remembers every "useful" fact ever written. Never says no. 

Off Camera Light Ninja. 70-200mm crazy. Has every gadget ever made, with him, at the wedding.  

Accepts any challenge. 2nd place won't do. Always. always. has a smile on his face.